Squash & Racketball


We are a section of the ‘Beverley Town Cricket and Recreation Playing Club’

Playing Conditions and Facilities

The Squash Club has two playing courts with viewing gallery in a purpose built, stand alone building with flat roof within the grounds of Norwood Park.

Squash and Racketball leagues

Squash and Racketball mini-leagues run throughout the year


Membership details are on the Squash Club website



The club coach actively arranges squash coaching sessions and runs junior squash coaching on Saturday mornings.

Hull & District Leagues

4 teams play in the 2018/19 Hull and District Squash Leagues, two in Div 1, one in Div 2, Div 3 and Div 4.

Yorkshire League Teams

2 Teams compete in the Yorkshire Squash leagues, one in Div 2 and one in Div 4

Club Competitions

Annual Club Squash & Racketball Championship competitions take place every year starting in January with a finals night in May/June.

There is also a summer league squash and racketball competition